Thursday, September 8, 2011

My steps of writing

My writing process usually consists of thinking of what I want to write down. After that I write my paper and read through it one time. It's a very simple process mainly because I'm in a hurry to get it finished. I do, however, feel like a few of these tasks are helpful. Gathering data is definitely important. How else are you going to know what to write about if you don't have information on that subject. It will also help to critically read the information your gathering. Asking questions about what your reading might help you create new ideas. If you still feel like you don't have many ideas, start brain storming. For me this would consist of opening Microsoft Word and typing all of my ideas out without worrying about any periods or sentence correction. Once I've done that, I can pick each idea out and put them into the right category. For someone else this might be clustering or branching. Also Revision and editing is important in writing your paper.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My writing

I like to grab a random sheet of paper when I'm frustrated or angry and get all of it out on that one sheet of paper. after I finished I tend to rip it up and throw it away. This keeps me from saying or doing something to someone I would regret later. At least that's what I tell myself. I have also kept a journal for situations where it takes more than one day to write down everything I have to say. I would say my passions and things that truly interest me are Christianity and my walk with God. I don't mean this in a cliche "I'm a christian" way either. I do, however, love God and I enjoy my walk with him. I'm very interested, yet confused about what people call the life of Holiness. This